

Friday, June 29, 2012

Bad anger

"When we are angry we are blind to reality. Anger may bring us a temporary burst of energy, but that energy is blind and it blocks the part of our brain that distinguishes right from wrong. To deal with our problems, we need to be practical and realistic. If we are to be realistic, we need to use our human intelligence properly, which means we need a calm mind."
                                                H.H.Dalai Lama

Monday, June 4, 2012

to love is to be kind and care

Be kind to all your friends and family
Be kind to cats and butterflies and tress
Don’t hurt the fishes swimming in the sea
Here is what the Buddha says to me
To Love is to care for all living around us
To Love is to be kind to all beings around us


No sentient life in all the worlds,
Will ever cease to be,
Unending all as Thou and I,
Though forms change constantly,
Then life imprisoned in the earth,
May bloom as lovely flower,
So all evolve a fairer birth,
When law brings forth the hour.

wheel of life

How high is the mountain,
How deep is the sea,
How long will man learn to live.
How blue is the ocean.
How green is the leaf.
How long will man learn to be free.

For you shall not go
Round and round again
In the wheel of life;
And you shall not go
Down and down again,
With your fruitless strive.
How long is the night
To the sleepless one,
Waiting for the morn to come,
How long is the road.
To the weary one,
Carrying on the route that he can’t

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Om Mani Padme Hum

Om mani padme hum is the most important mantra in buddhism.It is the six syllable mantra of the bodhisattva of the compassion Avalokiteshvra. The Dalai lama is said to be an incarnation of avalokiteshvara, so the mantra is especially revered by his devotees.

Om mani padme hum is "Om jewel in the lotus hum"or "Praise to the jewel in the lotus."However, the meaning and the significance of the six Tibetan syllables have been interpreted in a variety of ways.one common interpretation is that each syllable corresponds to one of the six realms of  existence and purifies the vice associated with that realm.
..Om purifies bliss and pride(realm of the gods)
..Ma purifies jealousy and need for entertainment(realm of jealous god)
..Ni purifies passion and desire(human realm)
..Pad purifies ignorance and prejudice(animal realm)
..Me purifies poverty and possessiveness(realm of the hungry ghost)
..Hum purifies aggression and hatred (hell realm).
It has also been said that recitation of each of the syllables prevents rebirth in the corrosponding realm.
The first known description of the mantra apprears in the karandavyuha sutra, which is part of certain Mahayana canons such as the Tibetan canon.In This sutyra,the Buddha says:
"Thius is the mist beneficial mantra. Even i made this aspiration to all the million Buddhas and subsequently received this teaching from Buddha Amitabha."
In the book Heat Treasure of the Enlightened Ones,Gen Rinpoche says of the mantra:
"The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is easy to say yet quite powerful,because it contains the essence of the entire Teachings When you say first syllable Om is blessed to help you achieve perfection in the practice of generiousity., Ma helps perfect the practice of pure ethics,and Ni helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance and patience.Pad  helps to achieve perfection of perseverance, Me helps achieve perfection in the practice of concentration,and the final Hum helps achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom.
So in this way recitation of the mantra helps achieve perfection in the six practice from generousity to wisdom.the path of there six perfection is the path walked bt all the buddhas of the three times.What could then be more meaningful than to say the mantra and accomplish the six perfections.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

There is no greater discipline than patience and no greater enemy than anger.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Firm in our purpose we have act,
Our feet in Wisdom’s Way;
Nor shall the transient things of earth,
Our resolution sway.
We spurn the lure of fame or gold,
The lust for things of sense;
And find purity and peace,
Our ample recompense.
Unselfish love to all that live,
Our lives shall manifest;
In thought, in word, in action show,
Its inspiration blest.
Though steep and toilsome be the path,
We shall but strive the more;
Nirvana’s holy realm to gain,
And peace forevermore.

he's here for you and me

If you have a problem
Don’t worry, hand it over to the Buddha
Just listen to Him and you will see the light
To all the darkness and miseries
Gautama Buddha, He’s here for you and me
By your side
Day and night
Rain and shine
Gautama Buddha, He’s here for you and me
Welcome Him to our hearts Till eternity
Gautama Buddha, He’s here

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sogyal Rinpoche on the Appearance and Essence of mind

sogyal Rinpoche explains that we are usually lost in the appearance of mind, our thoughts and emotions, instead of recognizing the essence or nature of mind. Essentially, we are turned in the wrong direction. This is the root of suffering and dissatisfaction. But by turning our attention to the essence of mind itself and learning how to simply be, we can find true contentment

Monday, February 27, 2012


Right thought will lead me on
To wisdom’s holy height,
And show to me the surest way,
To pass through sorrow’s night.
Right Thought will light me through
The shadows of this life;
“Twill ease my heart and peace assure,
And free my mind from strife.
Right Thought will be my guide
Across life’s troubled sea;
My pilot, compass, star and chart,
Right Thought shall ever be.
Right Thought will keep me on
The way to perfect peace,
And ferry to other shore,
Where all Illusions cease.