

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

There is no greater discipline than patience and no greater enemy than anger.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Firm in our purpose we have act,
Our feet in Wisdom’s Way;
Nor shall the transient things of earth,
Our resolution sway.
We spurn the lure of fame or gold,
The lust for things of sense;
And find purity and peace,
Our ample recompense.
Unselfish love to all that live,
Our lives shall manifest;
In thought, in word, in action show,
Its inspiration blest.
Though steep and toilsome be the path,
We shall but strive the more;
Nirvana’s holy realm to gain,
And peace forevermore.

he's here for you and me

If you have a problem
Don’t worry, hand it over to the Buddha
Just listen to Him and you will see the light
To all the darkness and miseries
Gautama Buddha, He’s here for you and me
By your side
Day and night
Rain and shine
Gautama Buddha, He’s here for you and me
Welcome Him to our hearts Till eternity
Gautama Buddha, He’s here